24 August 2014


        Assalamualaikum, I'm Noor Athirah binti Noor Azman. Back to school, that my second title is given from my lecturer. Yes I have no idea what to write. Hmm actually this title make my mind to think about school, where are place that we gain knowledge for our future. There is much knowledge from our teacher that we have to use and benefit it to be a knowledgeable and good person. We have to go to school if we want to success in our life. 
        Okay let’s begin hehe. Hmm, I returned back to school or in other words returned back to college after finished SPM in secondary school because I want to continue my education or studies to gain more knowledge, skills and experience as a new student of college to a higher level. Insya-Allah, with my sincerely, Allah will always help me when I are really needed. In this situation, I want to work hard and pleased with everything that will come in future. 
      After SPM, I get many offers from college like Uniten, UniKL, SeGi and others more. It is difficult to apply because the cost are too expensive, there no course that I interested and the place is quite far away from my family. Moreover, I’m not ready to start my study yet. While I wait my result SPM out, I just help my mother at home and took care my little brother. I rest my mind until the month of June. 
       One day, I applied for continue my studies at Kolej Poly-Tech Ipoh. I fill out the online form on the website of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara. After one to two weeks, I open the website to check my application form that I applied and guess what? Yes I get to continue my educations at Kolej Poly-Tech Mara in Ipoh branches with the programmed, Diploma in Management with Multimedia. I feel great and Alhamdulillah. Thanks Allah. 
    Many things need to do to get in the Kolej Poly-Tech Mara. Finally I can do all the conditions they gave on time. After all the preparation, my parents sent me to Ipoh for register as new student at Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Ipoh and go to hostel. I meet my new roommates.I’m start with orientation for four days. After that, class start and for the first time I studies, as a new student of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Ipoh. I meet the lecturer and my new classmates. 
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       All my lecturer are very sporting. My classmates also happy-go-lucky and sporting too. Every day I have class to go. In conclusion, Studies are reason to success in future. I have to survive. I know what I want and the responsibilities to make sure my goals are achieve. I know this is a new world because it’s my first time far away from family. So I hope in semester one I will get 4.0. Insya-Allah. I know there are no success without effort.

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