24 August 2014

MIDTERM coming soon

Assalamualaikum, my name is Noor Athirah binti Noor Azman. Midterm is words that student afraid to hear. Maybe? Haha yeahh here we go. This is my third entry that title ‘MIDTERM’. Ohh no, its just one week left. Just one week, what can we do. Just accept it. Hmm, midterm is the test that we have face it before final exam. It can help our point up. So we need to focus and study hard even its not like final exam.
In this moment, midterm are the test in center of semester. Its to know what did you understand about every subject that you studies. I know its hard, but we can face it. Midterm can help us to get marks, even just a little, its still can make our grade up. Is it right? Well I don’t know more about midterm because this is my first time to through this.
Hmm, this midterm is bad for me because I can’t remember about some formula and it’s difficult to memorize about what learned in the class. If I want to pass this midterm I need to make a mind map and read notes that I write. I will try my best until I can memorize all of the subject. I just need to make a preparations about this midterm. Fighting! Hehe
Thinking… Before midterm, I have to study hard. I have.  The night before midterm exam, I need to make exercise and do many practice. Enough sleep also helps us to improve in exam, so we do not feel sleepy anymore. Although we want to stay up in midnight, we still need to rest our brain, our body. It will be bad if our brain cannot work properly.
In conclusion, we must studies hard so that we do not regret it later. What we need to prepared on midterm is enough sleep, enough rest, study hard, focus when lecturer teaches in the class and always respect your lecturer. We also need to eats the right food. Stay away from energy drinks and coffee.  So this can help I to improve in this midterms, Insya-Allah.

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